Photos courtesy of Camera Shy in Utah. I won a free photo session so we took advantage of it when we were there in August!

First off, how in the world is my little man FIVE? Five seems like a really big milestone to me. This is one of those ages where I truly wish I could freeze him.
Here’s a little bit about Nate now that he’s FIVE years old.
- He is a clever little man. He’s always creating things. He seems random objects and his mind immediately has a plan of what to do with it.
- He could be starting Kindergarten tomorrow but we’re holding him back. It won’t hurt for him to be the oldest!
- He loves to swim. I can’t think of one time got out of the pool without me telling him it was time to stop swimming. He will swim for hours and hours. He has turned in to an awesome swimmer this year. He’s at the point where he can swim without going from point to point. He can tread water and swim deep. It’s really fun. And yesterday he mastered a back flip while Wes throws him in to the air. Oh, and he’s a great diver too! He amazes me every day in the pool.
- While he’s a dare devil in the pool – he’s a total weenie at Disneyland.
- He will give most things a shot at least once. He rocked the high dive for the first time last week!
- He’s a great eater. Will try just about anything and goes through phases where I’m getting a glimpse of life with a teenage boy. I just can’t fill him up! He’s hungry a lot.
- He loves books, root beer, super heroes, legos, Café Rio, In.n.Out, candy, cucumbers, his friends, cousins, school, crafts, TV shows, bowling, tennis/golf, family, the cabin, primary and more.
- He has the potential to be a fabulous older brother. Sometimes he amazes me with his patience with Ryan and other times? He’s a normal big brother.
- He loves to help people.
- He holds a grudge.
- He is competitive. He tries to make everything in to a contest. And boy he loves to win and hates to lose! I wonder where that trait came from.
- Stubborn.
- He loves to sing. It’s never on tune and he sometimes yells as he sings in primary, but he loves it.
- There are times when he just doesn’t want to be bothered by anyone.
- He’s a leader & a follower. Depends on the situation.
- He hates trying on clothes.
- Loves to play with big kids but he also loves taking care of the little guys.
- He’s quirky & goofy. Sometimes I just have to smile at the things he likes to do!
- He’s quite coordinated.
- He’s caring.
- When he puts his mind to something – he’ll do it.
- He struggles when he’s not the best at something.
I have to say that I’m LOVING this age. Overall, Nate is a great kid. Things just keep getting better and better – so glad he’s my kiddo!