Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ryan: 16 months old

ryan (1 of 1)

I’ve been a total slacker keeping up with Ryan updates [sorry, bud].  He’s one big ball of energy!  He constantly keeps us running & laughing and he has given me more heart attacks than any mom should ever have to have in a 16 month time period.  Our goal with Ryan is to keep him alive and out of the emergency room. My mom said today . . . “I wonder if he’ll ever stop moving.”

There are so many things I love about Ryan right now.  He’s in a phase where you either want to just eat him up or throw him out the window.  But either way, we love this little boy.

. Ryan is FUNNY.  He does things all day that crack me up.  He has the goofiest personality.

ryan with a binky smile (1 of 1)

. He can be so kind and gentle.  He absolutely LOVES little babies.  If we’re out and about or with friends he’s always checking out strollers and car seats to say hi to babies.  Most of the time he’s nice to the really little guys.  He especially loves his friend, Grayson [Kiley’s little boy] who is 6 months old.  He always wants to give him hugs and get him toys.

. He can also be flat out MEAN.  He hits.  Pinches. Grabs.  Pulls hair. and more.  Many children have learned to stay at arms lengths away from Mr. Ryan.  Too bad the nursery kids haven’t.  They are in for a treat in August.

. He is starting to talk.  His words so far are: this, that, up, Abbie, owie, doggie, yes, mom, dad, hot.  He gives a really big nod - “yes”.

. He makes really funny noises.  He’s got this evil cackle that’s hilarious.

. He can throw a serious tantrum.  A slam-myself-to-the-floor-and-kick-and-scream-tantrum. 

. He loves to drink.  He has turned in to a picky eater but will drink just about anything.  Including Root Beer.

ryan root beer

. He loves his big brother, Nate.  We are just now entering a stage where they actually play together sometimes and I love it. 

ryan and nate playing (1 of 1)

. Ryan loves to dance.  The minute a song comes on, the boy is shaking it.

. He loves to play in water of any kind.  He enjoys swimming but he especially loves coolers and random buckets to sit in and splash in.  Sometimes I just say “whatever dude” and let him play until his hearts content.  He loved this cooler full of water!

ryan in the cooler (1 of 1)

. He takes one afternoon nap every day.

. He LOVES his binkys.  Holy cow.  When he goes to bed, he has one in his mouth and preferably one in each hand.  Yikes.

. He’s fearless.  Absolutely fearless.  He’ll jump right in to rivers/swimming pools & climb/ride just about anything. 

ryan in the pool (1 of 1)

. He has developed a love for BOOKS.  He loves to look at books.  His favorite right now is Goodnight Gorilla.  He just laughs and laughs as I read it.

. He still hates the car . . . he whines, cries & complains every time we pile in.  But when it’s time to get out, he locks his car door with his foot EVERY time and laughs when I can’t open it.

. He is mostly a mama’s boy.  But sometimes he gets obsessed with Wes and wants no one but his dad.

ryan & mama on mule (1 of 1)

. He gives some pretty good cuddles.  He’s a snuggler.  Ooohh, how I love cuddles from this boy.

I can’t believe my little man is almost a year and a half.  He’s got such a fun personality that makes me laugh every day.  But holy cow – he’s a lot of work!

ryan eating corn on cob (1 of 1)

ryan and aunt sam (1 of 1)

ryan classic face (1 of 1)  

ryan playing in the dirt (1 of 1)

ryan sitting in dirt (1 of 1)

ryan on 4wheeler (1 of 1)


katierose said...

this post just gave me the best giggles. what a character your little man is! i'm sure you go to bed exhausted and smiling about something he did that day every night! he reminds me of my little bro at that age.

Alisha said...

He is definitely a busy boy! I'm so glad that we got to experience his cute personality for a week.

The Skeehan Family said...

I know, I know, it's been like 3 weeks... but I had to post because I'm sitting in the breakfast room, looking through the window, watching the girls eat popsicles and play in the little pool outside and it is PEACEFUL (imagine that), so I am capitalizing and finally catching up on some long overdue reading. I love it.

So basically, I love your 4th of July post - it looks like you guys really had an awesome time. I especially love the parade pictures - those are out of control! And you actually make fishing look fun, so maybe we'll have to try that sometime :)

and most importantly, how do you make the perfect s'more? :)

love the Ryan update. Seriously, he and Samantha are twins separated at birth.

Doreen Griffeth said...

What a cutie!!! We love this boy!