Oh, my. My little lady is 6 months old! We love this girl – what a great addition to our crazy family. A little bit about J at 6 months old:
- She is happy!
- She loves her food. I’m making her baby food & so far she loves her veggies and pears mixed with some cereal.
- She thinks her brothers are pretty great. She does her best belly laugh for them when they are being silly.
- Loves the bath. Hoping she also loves the pool.
- Sleeping? As Nate would say . . . she’s “medium.” Not great, not terrible. We’ve managed to get her to take naps in her bed {when we’re actually home long enough!} but the only way she will is if she eats first. Terrible habit, I know.
- She is still swaddled to sleep. Can’t wait for the day when she’s not.
- She is a trooper getting toted around to all the places we have to be. As long as she isn’t left alone, she’s happy.
- She loves her binky.
- Sits up like a champ. Sometimes falls over but is doing great. Which means she loves highchairs, shopping carts and the swings!
- When she is laying on her back, she likes to pick both legs up as far as she can and SLAM them to the ground. She does this over and over and over. There must be a 6-pack buried under her Marz belly.
- Loves things by her face when she’s tired.
- She has been my best nurser . . . I’ve rarely pumped this go around. But I can tell my milk is starting to disappear. We’ll see how much longer it lasts! She will take a bottle a lot of the time after she nurses!
- When I’m holding her, she puts her hands up by my neck and nestles her head in to me like she’s giving me a big hug.
Sure do love this girl.